Number of men's safari jackets or safari fleeces to pack for your safari:
1 x safari fleece or jacket; 1 x waterproof safari jacket should you be travelling over the rainy season.
Number of men's safari scarves, safari beanies, and safari gloves to pack for your safari:
1 x men's safari scarf; 1 x men's safari beanie; 1 x men's safari gloves - although you should be fine tucking your hands into your men's safari jacket or fleece to keep them warm.
Number of men's safari trousers and shorts to pack for your safari:
Up to 4-day safari: x 2 (1+1); Up to 8-day safari: x 3 (2+1); Up to 12-day safari: x 4 (2+2)
We have shown the number of men's safari trouser zip-offs/convertibles as the first number - "x 3"- and the men's safari trousers plus men's safari shorts combination in brackets - e.g. (2+1). Always make sure that you pack the total number whether you opt for safari zip-offs, safari trousers, or safari shorts, but always have a combination of safari shorts and trousers. As an example, for an 8-day safari, you could take one pair of zip-offs, one pair of trousers, and one pair of shorts - or 3 pairs of zip-offs, or two pairs of shorts and one pair of trousers - or vice versa.