Partners: How to use our affiliate program

Our new affiliate program is a great way to continue your clients' interactions with your brand - while at the same time ensuring that your clients get the best clothing, gear, and advice for their safari or as they venture outdoors. What is more, when your unique affiliate code is used to link to our online store from your site, social media, and newsletters, you will earn commission when they shop.

Partner Links: Partners Home & Sign-up | Commission information | How to use our affiliate program | How to increase your commission earnings | Partner images page | How to claim commission


'YourBrandHere.' What is our affiliate program and how will it help your business work closer with our business - and earn you more commission and better brand continuity? A brief introduction below:

  • Our affiliate program works hand-in-hand with our partners program. To join the affiliate program, you need to become a partner first. What is the difference between the two? Quite a bit is the short answer. Historically, our partners have used discount codes and our brochures to let their clients know about The Safari Store - and sales have only been recorded once the discount code has been entered at checkout on our site (plus there was no branding option on our online store). The affiliate program uses cookies to enable you to link from your site to our online store and not only records sales and commission due to you without the need for a discount code - but it also allows you to show your logo to your clients as they shop with us. Your logo will show prominently where 'YourBrandHere' appears in the image you see with this write-up, or click here to see an example of it on our live site.
  • The steps below tell you how to get this set up.
  • As mentioned above, the affiliate program and partners program run hand-in-hand. You are still able to send your clients links and brochures with your unique discount code included - and you are able to link to us from your site, newsletters, social media, and blogs using your affiliate code. Both the partners program and affiliate program record all sales and commissions through the use of your discount code and your affiliate code.
  • With the affiliate program, you can choose whether you'd like to market your discount code or not, with the assurance that all sales will be tracked using the code. Where a discount is not taken on commission-bearing items on your affiliate site, this means more commission for you. If you would like to market the discount to drive traffic to your affiliate pages, this is great too. Your affiliate code, however, does not automatically discount qualifying items and your clients will still have to include your unique discount code at checkout for a discount on selected items.
  • If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Sample site of your company’s page when you become an affiliate of The Safari Store, offering safari gear to travel clients.

    Affiliate program step-by-step guide

    Our simple to follow guide on how to add your affiliate code to any hyperlink to The Safari Store.

  • Step 1: You will need an active partners program account. If you do not have a partner account please click here and fill out the form to apply.
  • Step 2: Once you have an active account we will send you your affiliate code. Please note that the affiliate code which shows in your partner account admin area will only apply partner discount code commission levels to any sales generated, and not the new affiliate code commission levels. For more information please see our commission information page.
  • Step 3: Simply add on the following text to the end of any hyperlink url from your content to our online store: ?aid=12345678. The affiliate code here is our generic "12345678" and so you would simply replace 12345678 with your affiliate code. For example, to link to our homepage, the url hyperlink would be; and, to link to our packing list, the URL link would be: Again, for your URL links from your content to our online store, you would replace "12345678" with your affiliate code. For more examples of hyperlink url's with the affiliate code attached please see the section titled Popular pages to link to which is at the bottom of the how to increase your commission earnings page.
  • Step 4: How do you test that your affiliate code is working? If we have confirmed that we have uploaded your logo to your partners account, simply add your affiliate code as shown above to any page on The Safari Store. If your logo is not showing as per the image for the "Introduction" above where it says "YourBrandHere", then either the link has not been written correctly or your logo has not been uploaded. In either eventuality, please first try to rewrite the URL you are using. If you still cannot make it work, please contact us.
  • Step 5: Once your affiliate links are working correctly, we will automatically record sales made when your affiliate code is used to access our online store where sales are generated - and any commissions due to you from sales generated.
  • Step 6: Promote our online store and earn commission on all sales. For ideas on how to promote our online store and maximise your commission earnings please see the how to increase your commission earnings page.
  • Step 7: To find out more about commissions and payments to you for commission earned please read the commission information and the how to claim your commission pages.
  • If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Important information about our copyright-protected content:

    Our content is unique to The Safari Store and is protected by copyright. While partners are given permission to link to the pages on our online store, stories, and advice pages to drive sales and to earn commission, please note that our copyrighted content may not be copied or pasted onto your website, blog, social media, or into any traditional media format. This is a breach of our copyright and intellectual property and we reserve the right to take appropriate action against any breach of our copyright. For images the same applies, unless you are using an image from our partner images page, or have written permission from a director of The Safari Store to use an image - and then it must only be used to link to our online store, show our logo on the image, and reference "Copyright". Contact us if you have any questions regarding this Copyright message.

    Partner Links: Partners Home & Sign-up | Commission information | How to use our affiliate program | How to increase your commission earnings | Partner images page | How to claim commission

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