How do I use my gift card or gift voucher to pay for an order?

Our gift cards and gift vouchers are manually applied to your order by one of our team. The steps to follow are listed below as 'option 1', and 'option 2':

Option 1:
1. Visit our online store at;
2. First step: please first make sure that you first have selected your country and the currency of the gift voucher by going to the client settings page;
3. Select the items you wish to purchase from us and add them into your basket;
4. Once you have selected the items you wish to purchase from us please complete the basket details for your order: enter your post or zip code if it asks for it and select your preferred shipping method;
5. Click on 'Proceed to Checkout' and complete all checkout fields. When you get to the card payment section please enter card details as follows: a. Long card number: enter 4659 and then any 12 digits, for example 4659 2222 3333 4444; b. Select any expiry date in the future; c. Enter any 3 CVV digits, eg: 123;
6. Click on 'Place Order';
7. Send an email to with 'Gift Card' in the subject line and the following details: a. Your full name as on your order; b. Your order number; c. The gift card amounts, code, and pin number for the gift card you received - if more then one please include all gift card amounts, codes, and pins; d. The name of the person who bought the gift card from The Safari Store, so we may check this against our records.
8. We will then apply the gift card to your order. Should there be any balance owing then we will email you with a payment request for the additional amount. Conversely should there be a balance remaining on your gift voucher then we will email you to let you know what the balance remaining is.
If you have any queries at any stage please do email us on

Option 2:
As an alternative we are able to create your order for you. To do so please follow these steps:
1. Send an email to with 'Gift Card' in the subject line and the following details:
a. Your full name and surname;
b. Your billing and delivery address, phone number, and country;
c. A list of the products you wish to buy from us. Please indicate quantity, colour, and size if applicable for each product;
d. Include the gift card amounts, code, and pin number for the gift card you received - if more then one please include all gift card amounts, codes, and pins;
e. The name of the person who bought the gift card from The Safari Store, so we may check this against our records.
2. We will then create your order and apply the gift card / cards to your order.
3. Should there be any balance owing then we will email you with a payment request for the additional amount. Conversely should there be a balance remaining on your gift voucher then we will email you to let you know what the balance remaining is.

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